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Quality products made in Austria since 1956
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Woodworking machines

Hermann Ganner Straße 1
A-6410 Telfs, Austria

Telephone: +43 5262 62532
Fax: +43 5262 62532 20

Website: QR-Code

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image small square State-Certified Teaching Company
image small square State-awarded Tyrolean Teaching Company
image small square Award-winning traditional Tyrolean business

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Together we are proud.

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GANNOMAT Auszeichungen

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image square State-Certified Teaching Company

The award >State-Certified Teaching Company< is a seal of approval for high quality in training in companies that generally provide exceptional performance in apprenticeship training and for the apprenticeship system by breaking new ground in order to prepare young people for the challenges of the modern world of work it is a contribution of the training companies to safeguarding Austria as a business location.

Criteria for being awarded a >State-Certified Teaching Company< include; successes in final apprenticeship exams as well as national competitions, commitment of the apprentice trainers, commitment in the field of career information, cooperation between the apprenticeship company and the further training offer for apprentices and trainers.

GANNOMAT Staatlich ausgezeichneter Ausbildungsbetrieb
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image square State-awarded Tyrolean Teaching Company

We have repeatedly obtained the honorable certificate >State-awarded Tyrolean Teaching Company<. This is a great pleasure for us, because it shows us once more, that our internal education standards are at a very high quality level.

This national award >State-awarded Tyrolean Teaching Company< is awarded by the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Labour. This ceremony will be held on the proposal of a jury which is confirmed by the provincial government. Certain requirements must be met to get this award. The company must educate apprentices on a long term with success and must have the necessary equipment and organisation for the required apprenticeship. Also additional services which are offered by the company, whose go beyond the standard, are included in the review. These includes additional qualifications (upskills) for apprentices and trainers, the excellent performance of apprentices in competitions or in the final examination. Only companies that have been tested to these strict standards and guarantee exemplary apprenticeship receive this award. The predicate >State-awarded Tyrolean Teaching Company< is a quality seal for the dual apprenticeship in Tyrol.

GANNOMAT Ausgezeichneter Tiroler Lehrbetrieb
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image square Award-winning traditional Tyrolean business

The province of Tyrol honours its traditional businesses in recognition and appreciation of their many years of dedication and service for the benefit of the Tyrolean economy. The award of the >Outstanding Traditional Tyrolean Business< takes place with a milestone and from the 30th company anniversary. Our family business was founded in Telfs in 1956.

The prerequisites for the honour and the title of >Outstanding Traditional Tyrolean Business< are, for instance, that the business is located in the Tyrol, active employment of employees including apprentices in the Tyrol, the continuity of operations and that there is a positive outlook for the continuation of the business.

GANNOMAT Ausgezeichneter Tiroler Traditionsbetrieb
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