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Quality products made in Austria since 1956
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image product-overview PRODUCT-OVERVIEW
image square product numeration Universal Dowelhole
drilling machines
image square product numeration Double line drilling machines
image square product numeration Machining Centers
image square product numeration Drilling-, Gluing- and Dowelinsertingmachines
image square product numeration Drilling- and Insertingmachines for hinges and fittings
image square product numeration Case clamps
image square product numeration Frame- and Staircasedrilling- and Mortisingmachines
image square product numeration Drilling machines for bottom hinges and window handles
image square product numeration Special machines
image square product numeration Used- and 2nd
hand machines

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Woodworking machines

Hermann Ganner Straße 1
A-6410 Telfs, Austria

Telephone: +43 5262 62532
Fax: +43 5262 62532 20

Website: QR-Code

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image square CNC Machining Center

CNC precision machinig center for complete processing - Drilling, Grooving, Routing. Compact design and high performance technology with through feed technique for cabinets, furniture, interior design and much more. Compact - Stronger - Faster.

CNC Machining Center - GANNOMAT ProTec  
Presentation image info button
Features and Benefits image info button
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Software and Programming image info button
Application Examples image info button
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Configurator and Contact image info button

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image info button Features and Benefits

image info button Universal application in panel processing and solid wood processing
detail picture   Precision drilling, grooving and routing for efficient panel and solid wood processing.

image info button Space requirement 3,3 m²
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Width (X): 2200 mm
Depth (Y): 1484 mm
Height (Z): 1409 mm

The ProTec can be placed at the left side against a wall.

image info button Workpiece dimensions for the daily practice
detail picture  
Width (X): 60-1000 mm
Width (X): 60-1300 mm (option)
Length (Y): 250-5600 mm
Height (Z): 6-60 mm
Workpiece weight: max. 75 kg

Fully automatic workpiece thickness adjustment.

image info button 4 side formatting
detail picture   A precise routing around at all four edges of the workpiece is given and herewith the full formatting of panel material.

Simply programm the the wished excess length.

image info button Gentle workpiece processing through air-jets
detail picture   Massive supporting table with Air-Jet-Table, the most precise and gentle drilling reference surface.

image info button Vertical drilling precision
Precision through double laser edge reading
detail picture   The measuring is done by a laser sensor (touchless workpiece measuring).

The front and rear edges are measured (2-zero-points, double-edge-reading).

image info button Horizontal drilling precision
Precision through workpiece straightening and the 4th axis at the drillhead
detail picture
detail picture
  Workpiece straightening through clamping beams.

The drilling spindle makes the drillling stroke (4th axis at the drillhead) in this way the workpiece can be drilled in the clamped and straightened position.

image info button Vertical machining from underneath
detail picture
detail picture
  Advantages of the horizontal or lying workpiece transport and processing from the bottom are:

The workpiece weight is spread on the largest workpiece surface, herewith the relatively thin workpiece edge with the already glued on edge material is protected.
Very easy loading and unloading of long and heavy workpieces (e.g. countertops).
The zero point is always at the bottom edge of the workpiece.
Precise and constant drilling, grooving and routing depth, even when tolerances in workpiece thickness are given, because the workpiece is referenced to the machine steel table.
The workpiece is protected, because the outer surface of the finished workpiece faces upwards.
Chips and sawdust automatically fall out of holes, grooves and routings, therefore e.g. clean holes are given for inserting dowels, hinges, fittings and other hardware.
Very good dust extraction results.

image info button Lamello P-System
CNC Bearbeitungszentrum - GANNOMAT ProTec - Optionen   Routing of Lamello P-System pockets for Clamex, Clamex Flexus, Tenso, Bisco, Divario.

Link >Lamello @ GANNOMAT<

image info button Advantages of CNC machines

image small square  CNC machines are future-oriented
image small square Better handling of a shortage of skilled workers
image small square Companies with modern equipment keep and retain skilled workers
image small square Networking to CAD designer software and thus digital information flow is possible
image small square Several work steps can be carried out quickly and easily on just one machine

image small square  Easy to program
image small square Easy to understand and intuitive software
image small square Programming is easy and can therefore be learned quickly
image small square Also suitable for PC beginners thanks to the simple user interface
image small square With PC knowledge, experience has shown that a good programming basis is only available in 1 day

image small square  CNC drilling + CNC grooving + CNC routing => everything on 1 machine
image small square Further transport to other machines is eliminated
image small square Setup and modification work are eliminated
image small square Great time savings through the combination of several work steps in just one work step
image small square Workpieces are ready for assembly

image small square  Profitability
image small square Even with a quantity of 1 (batch size 1), even with complex parts
image small square Reduced manufacturing costs through faster processing
image small square Reduced manufacturing costs through no setup times
image small square Reduced use of staff

image small square  Flexibility
image small square Individual workpieces - focused on customer requirements
image small square No limitations such as on manual machines
image small square Greater competitiveness and profitability
image small square New possibilities at workpieces - increased production competence

image small square  Productivity
image small square Increase in productivity through lower processing times
image small square Increases with the existing workforce
image small square Manufacturing of complex parts quickly and easily
image small square Additional orders e.g. to take from colleagues and implement them on time - made possible by CNC

image small square  Quality
image small square Consistent quality
image small square Quality is independent of the worker
image small square Quality improvement through eliminated sources of error
image small square Easier quality management

image info button Additonal advantages that will make work easier, reduce set-up time and increase precision, we will explain to you in a personal conversation

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Presentation image info button
Features and Benefits image info button
Options image info button
Software and Programming image info button
Application Examples image info button
Video image info button
Configurator and Contact image info button
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